Monday 14 November 2011


THE Visitation Church Seremban’s Christmas Campaign for the Poor has been on the move since 1968, mobilising parishioners to come forward to help raise funds and have been reaching out to some of the poorest.
Many dedicated individuals have braved muddy and inaccessible roads to reach out to the poor and needy under this campaign.
The Christmas Campaign for the Poor has become synonymous with the church that every November there will be offers of donations and volunteers even before a committee is formed to spearhead the campaign.
Christmas Campaign committee chairman Spencer Sequerah said the objective of this campaign is to share the spirit of Christmas with the ‘poor’ in the community irrespective of race or creed.
Sequerah added that since Christmas was a season for giving and sharing, the committee has conducted a two-day survey to ensure that only the deserving poor were approached during this auspicious season.
The church has come yet again to appeal for donations, be it in cash or kind towards this project, to provide poor families with sundry goods, school uniforms, shoes and stationery for schoolgoing children.
He said other goods would be given to the families identified on a case-to-case basis and the distributions would be made shortly before Christmas.
The committee will be singing carols and bringing Christmas cheer when visiting these poor families.
Parish priest Reverend Fr. John Gnanapiragasam, meanwhile, said the well-wishers’ generosity and the donations received would go a long way in helping the church to continue supporting the poor families throughout the year.
To complement the campaign, there will also be a flea market at the church premises on Nov 20.
Those wishing to help in this worthy cause can send their cheques crossed and made payable to “Church of Visitation” by indicating on the reverse side of the cheque “For the Christmas Campaign”.
Donations may also be sent by post or handed over to the parish priest. Official receipts will be issued for all donations received.
For more information, call 06-762 4468.

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